Commercial Demo

Profile photo for Arial Bauer
Not Yet Rated
Online Ad


Professionally made commercial VO demo through Such a Voice. Scripts that I worked through with a producer and recorded through ipDTL. Showcases my range from serious, cheerful, confident, relatable, trustworthy, and conversational.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Cars that can see the future, then change it. Intelligent safety features standard on all new Volkswagen models. At Petco, we get accused of being crazy pet people. But hey, if offering the best vet care, grooming, food and accessories, all in one place is crazy, then sign us up. No, we're not, not making a beautiful art project. Although we wouldn't blame you for thinking that. We're making Buff City Soap by hand every day. We get it. You don't want to buy a Peloton so we can sit there collecting dust. So we're giving you a 30 day home trial. If you hate it. Fine. If you love it, then join the club. I think what separates better health is the quality of the therapists. They're all experts who most importantly care deeply about their patients. The care I've received has been life changing. I use audible for my job. Like if there's an interesting article or podcast that relates to my business, I listen on my way to work. It's sort of like my secret weapon.