Motivational speaking

Profile photo for Leyonnes Awino
Not Yet Rated


It describes how an individual should not lose hope in what they do and life overall

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


African (General) Kenyan (East Africa) US African American


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
right now that is hurting. There's somebody out there right now that is struggling. There's somebody out there right now that's gotten a little bit tougher than you do. So why are you going to give up now? Stop feeling sorry for yourself. This is not a pity party. Uh huh. Welcome to your life. Welcome to living. Welcome to the many challenges that you will face. It is not about worrying about what's gonna happen tomorrow. Because guess what? Tomorrow doesn't know you or me anything. As a matter of fact, tomorrow has already made up his mind. Life, how beautiful it is, how amazing it is to be able to rise up in the morning and have that sun shine on your face rather than on your grave. What makes life so unique and so beautiful? It is beautiful because whatever you have that you may be facing what you may be dealing with, life is still good. Life has so many moving parts, but life is always good. Every day is a new day and another opportunity that others may not have this life that you have been given this life that you are temporarily holding on to this life that has been just given to you for only temporary reasons has more meaning than you can ever imagine. So many people in the world take life for granted Instead of realizing that you have to take the opportunity to live at the best way. You know how we don't have time to wait Because time doesn't owe you anything. Time is not thinking about you. Time is already made up its mind. What you gonna do? You have this moment. You can't worry about yesterday because yesterday is not coming back to look for you. Whatever you had the chance to do yesterday won't come back. But you have this moment. Yeah. You have this chance to do something great with this life that you have been given. If you put your right hand on your heart right now, you can feel that blood pumping. You can feel that purpose. You can feel that reason you don't have time to be complaining anymore, regardless of circumstances, regardless of heart aches and pains, regardless of the joys, regardless of the sorrows. You made it. You made it because there was purpose. Their purpose doesn't lie. It always always tells the truth. Now there are no guarantees that tomorrow will be there. Leave the past behind you and make that mark right now. You may have been through a lot in your life. You may have been through **** in your life, but **** doesn't own you. **** did not create you something that you need to understand that no matter who you are in this world that we live in today everyone must struggle everyone my suffer. But everybody that is going through something always has a story to tell. Most people that are successful right now had to go through something to get what they got. To this day. Some people are not even willing to hurt and to feel that so that they can get what it is that they want. But let's go beyond that. What about the other people out here who can't walk? What about the people out there who can't talk? What about the people out there that are suffering from diseases that cannot be killed From What about you? What are you gonna do about the life you have? How are you going to live? How far you gonna go Do you feel sorry for yourself? Because you having a bad day? Do you feel sorry for yourself because you lost your job? Do you feel sorry for yourself? Because you just feel like you just not having a day that you want to have. Because the day that you have is not the way you want it to go. Or do you feel that you deserve a pat on your back? Because you did a good thing. We all got a responsibility. We all got to be accountable. We all got to put in work. Let's talk a little bit about what you've been through. You had to experience some things that you did not understand. You had to experience some greatness. You had to experience some weaknesses. You have to experience things that no one could understand. But you are the one that has to be the one responsible to go through it. You were put on your back and you probably thought that you didn't have the ability to come back. But you did. There were good times and there were bad times. But yet you are still here. You made it this part because something kept you going? Something kept you believing something help you to understand that the fight was not over yet and greater opportunities will be waiting for you. They're gonna be so many different things that you will embark on. They're gonna be so many different things that's going to try to slow you down. They're going to be so many different challenges that you must face. But instead of running away from the challenge right towards the challenge for this is your life that you are fighting for. This is your life that you are living for. And make no mistake, no one is gonna do you better than you. Don't wait for something to happen. You make it happen. It is time to rise and grind. It is time to be about your business. It is time to make certain sacrifices that many people will not make. You have to understand that this is a possibility that is waiting for you. You are the chosen one. You are the one that is willing to go up and beyond the limit that other people are not ready to go. You have to already be set and ready to start up show up and show out and do what is necessary to get to the level and go beyond it. How much are you really willing to give? Are you prepared to hurt? Are you prepared to struggle? Because if you're not, that person didn't lay back down. Stay where you are. Don't move forward. Move backwards. If you're not willing to work if you're not willing to sacrifice if you're not willing to hurt if you're not willing to bleed If you're not willing to struggle, then you're not gonna get what you want. And yes, it hurts. Sometimes when you feel alone, it hurts. Sometimes when you're in that dark place and you feel no one cares about you, the first thing you got to realize is that you've got to love yourself. It's about self love. Start understanding that if you're gonna do something with your life, you got to fall in love with yourself again. Do something that's gonna make you a better person. Make an impact in this world. You can't wait for somebody else to make your life better. You got to make your life better. You got to focus on you now. I'm not saying for getting the rest of the people help someone lift someone up when they're down, be the strength for others when they're weak. And maybe when you're at the weakest point in your life, someone will lift you up because we all struggled. Life has a gift of giving a gift of receiving and whether if it's good or bad, you got to make sure you understand that these circumstances and these challenges has to happen in your life. But you got the right to celebrate. Because no matter if it's good or if it's bad, nothing is greater than living. Because if you're living, there is a possibility to change something, but not just change it evolve it, evolve into something greater. You make it happen for a reason and take full responsibility and control of this thing we call life. Mhm. Yeah. Mhm. Mhm. Mhm. Yeah. Mm. Mhm. Mm mm. Mhm. Yeah. Mm. Uh huh.