

AudioBook Demo

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I should have turned around right. Then I should have known something was up at the very least sense, the consequence lingering in the air in the hour in ludes, stare in all of it and Tam, I, I must have been some kind of moron to have been so oblivious to all those signs. The way Lode's keys rattled like bone chimes as he opened the main gate, the hinges suddenly shrieking as if we weren't entering a crowded building, but some ancient moss eaten crypt or the way we padded down the dank hallway buried in shadows, lamps above, hung with spangles of light that I swear now must have been the work of gray, primitive spiders were probably most important of all the way lude whispered when he told me things, things I couldn't give a damn about back then. But now now, well, my nights would be a lot shorter if I didn't have to remember them. Ever see yourself doing something in the past. And no matter how many times you remember it, you still want to scream, stop somehow, redirect the action reorder the present. I feel that way. Now, watching myself tugged stupidly along by inertia, my own inquisitiveness or whatever else. And it must have been something else. The what? Exactly. I have no clue. Maybe nothing, maybe nothing's all a pretty meaningless combination of words that nothing's all but one I like just the same. It doesn't matter anyway, whatever orders, the path of all my yesterdays was strong enough that night to learn me past all those sleepers kept safely at bay from the living, locked behind those sturdy doors. Until I stood at the end of the hall facing the last door on the left, an unremarkable door too, but still a door to the dead.