Mystery Novel Narration - North American English Demo

Profile photo for Ann Russek
Acheivement Badges Rising Star


Narration of a free-use portion of an Agatha Christie Novel. Ann Russek recorded, edited, engineered and produced this audio in her professionally equipped home studio.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
she had noticed the speaker more than once amongst the first class passengers. There had been a hint of mystery about him, which had appealed to her imagination. He spoke to no one. If anyone spoke to him, he was quick to rebuff the overture. Also, he had a nervous way of looking over his shoulder with a swift, suspicious glance. She noticed now that he was greatly agitated. There were beads of perspiration on his brow. He was evidently in a state of over mastering fear. And yet he did not strike her as the kind of man who would be afraid to meet death. Yes, her grave eyes met his enquiring Lee. He stood looking at her with a kind of desperate irresolution. It must be, he muttered to himself, Yes, it is the only way that allowed, he said abruptly. You are American. Yes, a patriotic one. The girl flushed. I guess you have no right to ask such a thing. Of course I am. Don't be offended. You wouldn't be if you knew how much there was at stake. But I've got to trust someone, and it must be a woman