Do you stand against injustice

Profile photo for Anjali gupta
Not Yet Rated


In my perception, I explained in my voice.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


US African American


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hey, everyone, this is Angela Gupta. And today I want to ask a question that is, do you stand against injustice? Speaking out against someone is essential, not only to maintain your integrity, but also to prevent it from happening against to yourself or someone else. Sometimes we experience wrongdoing or injustice. If we do not speak, it is often taken as our expected and this continues to happen. Once we take our stand, the e the other person stand understands we are not weak and do not allow anyone to take advantage of us be the workplace for all public case. If you see the experience, bad behavior, always try to stop it. It doesn't have the have to be an argument or a fight. But even with active communication, you can still send your message across. Thank you. Have a good day.