
Profile photo for anitha rao
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introduction of Anitha Rao in podcast

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) Indian (General)


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Hello everyone you're listening to Anita rao thank you for being here. Finally I'm here and I'm very very happy to be in the space and connect with all your beautiful souls. So my mission to this channel is to help everyone who needs my support and heal to transform their lives. I'm a fashion designer and an artist, the therapist which means wrap the transformational therapist and certified hypnotherapist, a mental health coach and a counselor. Now the big question why this podcast, I like to tell you a little about what you can expect from this podcast. It's completely a space of reflection. I say reflection because I'm pretty sure we all know most of the things I'm going to be sharing and I'm sure some at some point of our lives we all came across these situations or learnings but it's just that the right knowledge has to meet you at the right maturity for transformation to happen. So this mission of mine will prepare you towards that majority and occasionally when the same topic comes up again, you'll comprehended better. It's not about the subject, it's about everything that we already know. It's just about deepening your own understanding about yourself. I'll share a little about myself now my journey, my life from the outside. I imagine most of my life has looked pretty perfect from the casual observers point of view as a happy go lucky fashion designer. But on the inside I spent most of my life trying to live up to others expectations. I was a perfect expo technician of people pleaser a warrior and an over thinker victim and my own worst enemy. Now I want to walk you through how I changed to become this beautiful version of myself. Now let me ask you if anyone of you are struggling with depression or anxiety or anything that's not feeling good within yourself and want to break any subconscious patterns or beliefs that aren't helping us grow or aren't working for you right now in your life. Hm If it's so let's join hands together and connect and let me hear your story and help you heal and transform and help you craft a beautiful life ahead like I did we all deserve the best life and it's all within us to bring in changes so come stay tuned and follow me in the space for more healing and learning and some ah ha moments too. Get in touch with me and rediscovery yourself 1-1 sessions if you are interested, I am confident that many of us will reflect that we have learned something that has improved our understanding of life while going through the process of living. So that's it for now. Much appreciate your time for listening to me and much love to each one of you always remember happy minds lead healthy lives, thank you for listening to me, I love you all and take care and see you soon. Thank you