Angus Macleod - TurboTax - Explainer Style, Humorous, Conversational, Narrator

Video Narration


Audio from a recent commercial for TurboTax. See the full spot on Vimeo by searching \"TurboTax - Family\".

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
So how long your parents planning to stay with us again? Meet Terry. Terry is a family man in the suburbs. He's been trying to figure out what tax reform means for his family, but he can't quite figure it out way. Can't quite figure it out. I know what's a new tax loss? So here's the breakdown. Terry's tax rate drops from 25% to 22%. That helps Cherries deductible property taxes and state and local income tax deductions are reduced. Yeah, and personal independent exemption deductions are eliminated, but your child tax credit increased $1000 per kid. This has been an emotional rollercoaster week. So what does it all mean? I get it. What it means is that you'll end up with around 1566 extra dollars in your pocket this year. Finally afford to buy a motorcycle for me? Wait. I thought you were gonna take me to Paris. Rock, paper, scissors. Good luck. TurboTax knows taxes, so you don't have to be Oh,