Note to the Teacher

Profile photo for ANDREW ONODJE
Not Yet Rated


This audio is a summary of what is expected of a history teacher.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


African (General) Nigerian North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Toda Tisha The ins off history Titian are very well known toe all his street Aetius he it is so fishing to mention the following history is training in the development ofthe a critical FARC ot because it involves the exercise off thoughts you know, analysing cause and effect on Then win the proofs and cones off historical evidence. The student thereby acquires a level headed approach toe everyday problems wishes on asset in life. It's widens the students imagination by making him view past events as dough. They were happening in his presence. It broadens his outlook on life by teaching him how different peoples I have lived through the ages on how they have struggled to solve the particular problems off their lives on environment This view the student is trained to develop the spirit ofthe sympathy for other people. He's true when well thought develops in students heavy not read it on narrow sense Off patrol citizen Last leads also develops students literary ability. All these combined gives training in good on intelligence citizenship. To achieve these objectives, Laetitia must do three things tto make history in lively on interesting subjects toe correct force notions about Africa is people and katara heritage. And lastly, toe happy's students tto pass. Yeah, is some nations