My Entire Range



A short reel to showcase my vocal range for both feminine and masculine roles! This was solely recorded and edited by myself.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hello. My name is Andriana Riley veronica Moscow. I am an amateur voice actor Who is looking to go from a hobbyist to professional. And I have been working with voice acting for close to 15 years now as a hobbyist, I've been mostly tending to small functions, working with groups around parties and for the sake of entertaining others. And I would like to branch out from there using my voice talents. I am an openly trans voice actor. I was assigned male at birth and now that I have been transitioning for a few years, I have gone through vocal coaching and enough training and have discovered that I have retained my full vocal range and I would like to showcase some of that range. Now as many people would guess this may sound like two different people talking in the same room, but I can assure you that it's simply through my own effort that I am doing this and I truly look forward to experiencing many different opportunities and showcasing my talents for years to come.