Startup Introduction / Explainer

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Did a demo for a startup that is launching its new platform (candle [dot] dev). It was a new concept in software development, so storytelling as well as an explanation was needed.

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Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
The world of software development is on the brink of a creative breakthrough but not in its current state. Today, most applications are pieced together with highly customized code source from just about anywhere like a poorly constructed building, it stands on its own sure but remove a renovate and the structural integrity comes into question. A small change often isn't so simple and the same is true when developing software updating an application is costly both in money and time. It's why for many businesses, innovation often takes a backseat for efficiency sake. What software needs is a universal system. One where the parts can be seamlessly improved with better components without a complete overhaul of the whole application. This universal system is our mission at candle writing software will be more like organizing code containers that anyone can reliably use and reuse to create any feature improvement or idea they can think of. And the implications are futuristic and scale. Imagine two Banks and International Bank and a Small Community Bank. Both companies desire the same new feature. The larger international bank can afford the engineering cost. The small bank, not so much larger corporations will always have an advantage in user experience and innovation over time. Not anymore with candle, you can embrace change in less time, money and complexity. With minimal staff, you can make software development more accessible and creative focus than ever. Our products come together to overcome these technical and financial barriers. Now, virtually anyone with an idea can design and assemble applications that were once programmable by large teams of senior engineers by stripping away costs, simplifying the process and democratizing software developments. Creative power candle is lighting a path to a new future one where human ingenuity and technological progress can flourish.