
Profile photo for Amy Rachlin
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


I created characters and attitudes to accompany each product brand & script.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
So you heard about Google Nest? Many and you want to know. How does it work? What's it do? Where is it? No, no, seriously, Where is it? Pink with attitude. New Super Stay Mad Ink Only from Maybelline, New York. We'll stay out their team. Let's get some runs. Yeah, let's go. Hey, aren't you on the other team? I was, but I looked over here and saw your team has an amazing McDonald's breakfast, Fred. So I traded myself. Can you do that? Oh, look, so and so is coming over to quote unquote chill. Maybe you should eat street dinner. Why cook when you're focused on what you're doing after dinner while other carmakers move towards a world without driver's 14 at infinity will keep the driver at the heart of everything we build way. Are you looking at a picture of your living room while you're sitting in your living room at West Elm? We want you to get house proud