Pro Elearning, English, Aristocratic, Educated, Conversational, Tech



Decided to go with a mix of technical/medical, and relatable, fun, conversational, as well as the classic instructional/formal. We designed scripts to be current, fun, yet showcase my flexibility with jargon and informational content. Represents my natural genuine sound and buttery, velvety texture.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
So you're considering solar panels for your roof. But beyond the fact that they're square black panels that are more expensive than your last car was to purchase. But somehow good for the environment. You're not really sure what they do. You're not alone, many people want to do the right thing for the planet. But finally can't explain solar too nosy neighbors or family members other than its renewable. Because sun corporate events span all industries and are planned for a variety of occasions and celebrations. In this corporate event planner course, you will learn to interview new clients and event stakeholders to create a scope of work, including venue selection, floor plans, seating accommodations, timelines and checklists required to ensure a successful event, outcome, set budgets and service charges. Did you know that a Moose can swim? It's true. A Moose can dive 20 ft underwater and stay underwater for up to 30 seconds. They can also swim pretty fast to up to six miles an hour. This is helped by the Moose's secret weapon. Moose hair is hollow which helps them stay afloat while swimming. Stephanie, what happened with that? Awesome candidate I sent Mark to hire Oh, he saw that the guy was an ex marine and didn't think he'd be a good fit. Please tell Mark that military service is a protected class. His refusal to hire him because he was a marine would be unlawful discrimination under federal law while you're at it. Please send Mark the entire list of protected classes. So he's aware for future hires. Glucose. Neo genesis is a process that transforms non carbohydrate substrates such as lactate amino acids and glycerol into glucose, both lactate and alone in our first converted into piru vacate. This then enters the mitochondria in and is car box elated to OXY low acetate OA A by piru car box. Alice.