English eL - Hemiptera.

Profile photo for AMALA RANI
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Hemiptera is an order of insects, commonly called true bugs, comprising over 80,000 species within groups such as the cicadas, aphids, planthoppers, leafhoppers, assassin bugs, bed bugs, shield bugs. They range in size from 1 mm to around 15 cm, and share a common arrangement of piercing-sucking mou

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Young Adult (18-35)


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Hello students. Today we are going to study the characteristics and control techniques of hey mitra, a group of insects closely related to agriculture stink bugs are small to medium sized, some are large and most of them have flat and hard bodies. The mouth parts are stinging and sucking with long four segmented ross streams. The antennae are mostly Philly form, the dorsal plate of the pro tracks is well developed. The meso tracks has a triangular shield, the four wings are semi sheathing and the hind wings are membrane nous. Most species have stink glands. The metamorphic type is incomplete. For example, there are only three developmental stages, eggs, worms and adults. Most of them are phyto Fergus pests feeding on plant sap and a few are carnivores natural enemies such as hunting bugs. Penta thomas day the body of Penta to Madi pests a small to large, with 4 to 5 antennae, four rostrum segments, small shields, triangular shape longer than the claw segments and many longitudinal veins in the four wing membrane area, and well developed stink glands marginally marginally. A A. A have medium to large bodies, narrow and long, antennae fill a form four segmented. The small shield does not exceed the end of the claw area, and there are parallel veins on the four wing membrane and the hint legs are flat and thick with two Burkle's or spine like protrusions. The edge bugs are phyto Fergus pests mirrored. I mirrored. I are small to medium sized with fill a form four segmented antennae. They are slightly long and thin without a single eye. The four wings are divided into four parts leathery Lemole claw. Lemole cuny form Lemole and Memory lane Lemole. Most of them are psycho focus pests. Tin JD tinged er tiny and flattened, 3 to 4 millimeter. The dorsal plate of the proto racks extends backward to cover the small shield, and there is no distinction between the leather and membrane area of the four wings and the dorsal plate of the proto racks and four wings are covered with net like patterns read wide. I read wide. I are medium sized to large sized, the head is relatively small, flat, more or less narrowed at the base and slightly neck shaped. The antennae are slender and four segmented. The rostrum are all three segmented, curved at the base, not immediately below the head and sharp at the end. Read wide. I are all carnivores, beneficial insects control techniques for him. ETRA insects. The following is a brief description of the control techniques of Demitra pests taking translator midi and Tin JD as examples, biological control. The most significant parasite IQ. Natural enemies of the translator midi are the flat bellied B. And the egg hopping B. Of which the flat bellied B. Has achieved remarkable results in research and field application. Both see albee guns and see aeruginosa can be parasitic. Ized on the body of adult accelerator maddie and spread their infection to each other and the lethality of tass aerator midi is quite high. The biological control of Tin JD is mainly to release the black egg wasp of litchi bug in the field to reduce the population density. Chemical control try chloroform on delta matron by finn trinh, acetaminophen, time toxin, Fip Ranil and other organic phosphorus or pirate thyroids and neonicotinoids. Insecticides in rotation or compounding agents have good control effect. This lesson is over. Thanks for watching.