English AudioBook - Blue

Profile photo for AMALA RANI
Not Yet Rated


A recording of a book or magazine being read aloud.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) Indian (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the vibrant youth folk easily get enticed, encircled and entangled by the alluring values proposed by the contemporary world, ignorance, addictions, poverty, unemployment, ecological degradation and cutthroat competitions, crush and curtail their growth, crashing their purpose and focus at this juncture. Cooperation, collaboration, participation and networking becomes essential and inevitable to liberate and to unleash the potentials of youth in personal and social transformation. The solution family therefore collaborates with various sections of the society, pairing with the cooperates non governmental organizations Vidas and feeders in the mission and ministry of the Youth, imparting education through schools, arts, science and professional colleges, community colleges, centers for the drop outs, coaching classes, vocational training, counseling de addiction, career guidance, employment and Maria leah, shelter homes undertaking of parish ministry, health Ministry, Social Ministry, prison Ministry and village ministry and organizing programs for skill development, women empowerment, gypsy upliftment and fisher folk development all over the nation through these untiring and strenuous efforts, they toil hard to free them for a joyful living as free Children of God and responsible citizens of the world.