ARSAT Engineering Corporate - International accent

Video Narration


Voiceover artist

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Att ar sat. We create through high precision and state of the art technology, but we also have something more our imagination. Just think about it. It all starts with a blank piece of metal. What could this piece of blank metal become? It could be a turbine for the next generation of aeroplane engines. It could be a cutting tool for producing the new Apple is or high precision printing machine cylinder. Anything is possible. Our people's imagination has no limits because even if we're not kids anymore, we always choose people who preserve a nurture their imagination. Today and tomorrow, we like to say that imagination is part of our DNA passed from generation to generation, like the horror That's grandfather, father and son. They all work here, and they are part of the great are set people together for a sustainable future. Today and tomorrow, no