The Crystal Cabinet- William Blake

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Poem,'The crystal cabinet', by William Blake

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) Indian (Hinglish)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the maiden caught me in the wild, where it was dancing merrily. She put me into her cabinet and locked me up with the golden key. This cabinet is formed of gold and pearl and crystal shining bright and within It opens into a world and a little lovely morning night. Another England. There I saw another London with its star and other times and other hills and another pleasant sorry. Bauer, another maiden like herself. Translucent, lovely, shining clear 34 leach in other closed Oh, what a pleasant, trembling fear. Oh, what a smile! A threefold smile fills me that like a flame I burned, I bent to kiss the lovely mate and found a threefold kiss. Returned. I strove to seize the inmost phone with ardour fears and hands of flame, but burst the crystal cabinet and like, ah, weeping babe became a weeping babe upon the wild on weeping woman paid reclined and in the outward air again I filled with bows. The passing went