Going - Rebrand Announcement Video

Profile photo for Alexandra McCaw
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Online video sharing company history & announcing the rebrand of Scott's Cheap Flights to Going (travel tech company).

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
In 2013, Scott Kais found the best flight he'd ever seen a $130 round trip from Newark to Milan. He wasn't planning a trip to Milan. He also wasn't planning on founding the best travel membership ever, but when he got home, his friends started begging him to share more amazing deals like this one or this one or even this one. What started as Scott and his laptop grew to a team of more than 60 people serving over two million travelers. There was just one problem. I'm not Scott, I'm not Scott. I think the time was right and it's been right for a little while to change the brand to be reflective, not just of the growing team, but of our growing what we want to provide for travelers. The name, it just felt like we we've outgrown it, no offense. So we took matters into our own hands. Just kidding. We decided to create a brand that invites unexpected possibilities from the places you'll visit to the memories you create. Our brand is fueled by one idea going. What I really love about how the brand came together is the spinning of the globe, the colors that we've selected, the name, the illustration style is French. Like I think it just touches upon so many of the greatest elements of what traveling is, may look different, but we're still the same company, you know, and love. I think we just have to thank our members for trusting in us all of these years with a name like Scott's cheap flights to build something special. And now trust us in what we're doing now as we're bringing, going to the world, now, you can expect even more from going as we continue helping millions of people travel and experience the world.