Rap flows



I have shared a rap freestyle I did and recorded with my phone. I had no lyrics written. Just saying everything that came to mind.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
you know what time it is? The mullahs. We can get the building. Mhm. It's not that people for that. Get the entities. Yeah. You can keep that going back to ******* people that you don't have to go back to my life like that. And of course you do that and I'll take it back. No medicine. I'm not quick. Okay. I don't know like a problem. You know? Just trying to get it simple. Let's go. Let's go try. We have to we have a much better. Thank you very much in the mix from from my pockets. Really get into in the streets like that like that. They don't look like that. Can't you just see that I'm getting rich and I'm getting hit me. Just walk with uh with people. Whether they go get out. Uh Well I'm studying and planning to make more money. So I tried to work harder, clever. I don't have time for this. Mother focused on ways to try to do the best that I come here. I feel small for the second coming somewhere, pull the trigger. But um I was just ready to **** you up by your boot ***. Uh huh mama start with the humble and I'm trying to make real simple. I usually like to give me those simple, simple uh Something like to be the best home. Some I have some uh