NuSpine Audiobook Demo

Profile photo for Adam Riley
Acheivement Badges Top Talent


Instructions for NuSpine Tutorial

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
hello and welcome to your first day of new spine. In this brief introduction, you'll get a sense of how the overall program is put together, and then we'll let you jump right into today's activities. Over the next few weeks, you'll build two sets of tools that will help you take control of your spine. Health Theo Exercise Siri's and the lab Siri's. The exercise Siri's is a set of five progressive exercise modules that range from 10 to 22 minutes. In overall viewing time, you'll get to learn more about these modules and the research they're based on later in the program. The lab Siri's is a set of lessons about back pain that helps you understand why back pain is so common. Dispel some widely held myths and identify some common mistakes that most of us make every day. All of the content in the lab Siri's is based on research that has been published in peer reviewed medical journals. As new research emerges, we may add or even change the content to keep this information up to date. Finally, to track your progress will use the impact scoring system Ah, method recommended by the National Institutes of Health that translates are back pain in tow. A number on a 100 point scale as we progress through the program will measure this several times with the goal of reducing it. That's it for introductions. Next up, you'll have a chance to find out your first impact score and practice the breath module for the first time.