Professional Script

Profile photo for Abigail Shalton
Not Yet Rated


Professional Overview - Warm voice

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Australian Italian (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I am excited to be considered for your opportunity. I have strong global experience in business development roles with sales experience in software as a service solutions across multiple industries as an employee and as an outsource consultant, eye specialist in sales, sales leadership, strategy and implementation. I have multi market contract sea level sales negotiation and contract supply experience working with multiple sectors commercially and domestically along with a well established network of procurement professionals from within the construction sector globally. I possess deep understanding of construction, currently completing a diploma in building and construction. With experience selling software as a service platform, solutions and integrations I haven't established by his network ready to go and consistent experience utilizing phone web conferencing face to face sales, industry events and our ft tender portals in a bid to be capacity ready to grow existing and enter new markets as desired. I have also worked across multiple markets, including the APAC EU and USA regions.