
Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Indian (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
do anyone knows who is Jack MMA, the man who succeed with or his effort and the education to the thing we see have the He had faced many failures in his life, even in his educational backgrounds. But he has been a successful man today and running an very big or land company called Ali Baba. And these are the 10 Rules, which the man JAG, MMA, donate to the world. Fast rule is learn from the mistake of others. He has done this thing, get succeed in his life and the 2nd 1 ease focus on quality, nor the quantity. The third warning. Be the first in everything and do the first four door is prepared for the future. You should thing. What is this? Prepare for future and that is visionary means. If you are going to do something, you should focus on the future aspirants. Fifth, Ernie's rasp it. Your competitors. You should give a respite to the competent is as they are not your enemies as they are, you're motivated, and the Six World see Salins is as opportunities 7th 1 Believe in yourself, that is a main thing. You can be success. 81 is surrounding yourself with gather nous. It will give grace. And at being nine point is Lou. Help the 10 Tony's have fun. This is the main thing, as if you aren't doing anything they can break. Be the family PVT of Friends. Take some time for relaxation. Other ways Everything will be worthy. Will have money. We will have everything but you, Lord, have any time and enjoyment. You should not go with your money. Usual pen times with your family do. Thank you.