Video / Movie trailer voiceover & narration. Be one with Bushido

Profile photo for Algirdas Paulauskas
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


This voiceover was the first out of a series for a video project. Surprisingly, this track and almost all of the others were accepted from the first take.

A clear script and thorough communication was key when doing this project. It was a very enjoyable narration.

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Vocal Characteristics




North American (General) Scandinavian


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Take one in the darkest of times when the shadows of doubt threaten to consume you. Remember this true strength lies within the heart? Let me tell you a tale of a battle. I once fought picture a store, relentless and fierce, raging against me. The enemy had outnumbered us. 10 fear gripped the hearts of my comrades, but I refused to let it take hold of mine with every ounce of courage. We charged into the tempest, unwavering in our resolve and you know what? We prevailed, we turned the tide. Not because we were stronger or faster, but because we carried courage in our souls. Remember this, my friends, courage is a weapon that can defeat any foe no matter their number or strength. B one with.