Earth Child: Vengeful Souls; Fantasy; Giants; Terror; Distress; Escape

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From book 2 of the Earth Child trilogy, this demo is a scene from near the end of the book, where a female character and a male character are escaping from the villain. They are caught by the villain's giants. In addition to narrating and voicing every character, I produced this audiobook.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Without water. We will not last. She thought we must rest. She said reluctantly. He nodded weakly. Small plants fanned away, moaning complaints and scampering insects moved with their plant cover. A majestic tree swayed away, holding its white noodle roots from the soil ahead. Klaus spotted a mineral outcropping. They headed towards it hoping that there would be a crevice in the rocks that held moisture and possibly a larger shelter spot. There, they separated, filled, slumped, broken to the ground, protecting his clubbed arm. Klaus scattered the rocks. There's water come, there were several shallow pools. She disturbed one to ensure there were no prior inhabitants. Then she drowned her lips in the Elixir taking in generous swigs. Phil came around invigorated by the news coming down to a shaky elbow. He huffed at the water before taking a long drink. He coughed into it but took another long swallow. Kaia tried to catch a breath. The water settled then vibrated. Kala staggered to her feet alert to the vibration. Familiar and terrifying. Two giants came up behind them. Oops deviate from city. One cried out excited. Does it woman take to Holy creed. Phil came up only to be plucked from the ground like a ragged weed. The giant opened his foul mouth revealing jutted rotten teeth and stuffed Phil into his mouth to the waist. Cale screamed the giant bit down and Phil's torso came apart with a crunch. The other giant waved an open hand waiting for his half. He growled low in his chest. The other eyed him chewing merrily blood, coursing down his chin. He jerked the torso at him good. He said handing it over in sts leaked from Phil's lower half. And the giant slurped at them as if they were noodles and then popped the torso in next. They chewed as if Phil were a mere toffee treat. Klaas's screams died into a whimper as she grew catatonic glued to the ground. I do this one again. My arms now breads. Snick said with a chuckle giving Kelo a greedy look savoring the fear in her eyes. He spat out the gory garments. He think she knew both arms. His tongue swashed across his mouth as if it had a mind of its own. Why not harm her? You fool. That's what the holy one says. Your head to explode. Snick grunted. Remembering the pain, the creed could inflict. The other giant retrieved a colorful sack of woven wires from his belt and reached for the terror stricken woman. Sudden movement made him straighten. He trained his balloon eyes at the unsympathetic woods. When two Vates lunged, tearing at him. From both sides with swords, claws and teeth. The slow giant assumed a defensive posture just as a third vesti rammed a spear into his right knee. The giant ju away from the pain with a howl sick detected the action and raised his mace trying to locate the rapidly moving vermin. Then he felt a sharp pain below both calves as two Vasi crisscrossed slicing at his limbs. The club cut through the air with a swoosh. Snick growled, ignoring the pain. He swung once more at a wide angle. Catching one charging Basie across the shoulder, throwing him 10 yards away. Snick shrieked as an arrow penetrated his left eye. Another shot into his open ma he staggered while two more Vasi tore at his heels. He fell sidelong hitting the scraggy plateau with a grunt that stole his breath. As the vast climbed to the top, the fallen Behemoth slicing and stabbing Kia's head collapsed. Giving in to her torment, her vacant eyes blind to the scene unfolding before her, her eyelids giving into shock. Sam ran to her, sliding his arm under her for support. Her eyes shot open wild with a terror which melted his heart. Why was she here, Kia? They, they hate him. God, save us. So please.