The richest man in Babylon, Chapter 1

Profile photo for Ndapanda Johannes
Not Yet Rated


It is an audiobook, the demo is composed of the first chapter of the book. The book is about a rich man who teaches his fellow man on how to go about becoming wealthy.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


African (General) South African (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
richest man in Babylon by judge as classes Chapter one, the men who desired Gold Character's been see chariot builders Coben, musician are cut. The richest man in baby alone. He gazes sadly at a simple home and the open workshop in which stood a partially complete the chariot. His wife frequently appeared at the dawn. Her furtive glances in his direction reminded him that the mill bag was almost empty and he should be at work. Then see, the chariot builder was so engrossed in his own problems to be bothered by the noise of the industry. Within the world of Baby Long, the city was a mixture of drain India in squalor, incredible displays of wealth in the diaspora. Poverty. Ben C could not understand why he works so hard and was still numbered amongst the loading. He was so caught up with his deliberations that he was not aware of his friend Coby working towards him, playing his lion Kobe's elaborate salute when unnoticed, much less his request for two humble shackles. If I did have two shekels, Ben See responded gloomily. Two No. One could I lend them, not even to you. My best off friends for they will be my fortune, my entire fortune. No one lends his entire fortune, not even to his best of friends. Sure, Kobe, Listen to Ben See, recall his daydream men see dreamed he was a man off means and enjoyed a glorious feeling off contentment in surplus gold flowing from your spurs. So why should such pleasant feelings as it arose? Turned me into a glum state. You off the underworld saved Coby. Why indeed? Because when I awoke, I remembered how empty was my puts. A feeling off rebellion swept over me. Let us talk it over together we calling their days as young men then see and Kobe touched on the experiences with money. They had earned so much gold over the years, but did not have anything to show for it. They both had hoped that one day prosperity will be bestowed upon them. They were coming to the realisation that such blessing wass not England, often planning and scheming that their families didn't go hungry. Ben sees this missile mood soon caught hold with Kobe, both of them entirely miserable, reaching their threshold and coming up with their best idea yet. We do not wish to go on year after year, living slavish lives. Working, working, working, getting nowhere. Might we not find out how others acquired gold and do as they do Kobe? And quiet Perhaps the ism secret we might learn if we but sort from those whom you replied Muncie. Thoughtfully. They remembered a friend, our card, who they had schooled with who was blessed with prosperity and the city claimed to be the richest man in Babylon. They decided to consult our car, though makes me realise the reason why we have never found any measures off wealth. We never saw it in those things toward which we exerted our best endeavours. We succeeded. It did Earth us to learn more that we may prosper mobile with a new understanding, we shall find more honourable ways to accomplish our desires. That is goto awkward this very day. Then see urge then see. And Kobe proceeded together a group off boyhood friends who had need off the same guidance