Murder with Collard Greens and Hot Sauce

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Audio book reading written by A. L. Herbert

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and murder with collard greens and hot sauce. Ah, my ****, you're walking So food Mystery written by a. L. Herbert Chapter one. Be careful with that, I say the latasha as she paints the white cream on Webvan's hair. Sometimes I think all that relaxing has fried her brain. Now you just shut your mouth, miss naturally straight hair Wave on, says keeping his shirt like you do should be a crime wave on, and I are sitting next to each other in front of the long mirrors at Illusions. The hair salon a few doors down from my restaurant, Mahalia Sweet Teeth. Latasha owns the salon and has been cutting and styling our hair for years, even though wave on wears wigs much of the time as wave unmentioned, I was blessed with good hair that doesn't need to be relaxed, but running a restaurant doesn't leave me a lot of time to fuss with it. So much to Webvan's annoyance, I keep it fairly short. I like ****. Use cut. Latasha comes to my defense. It frames her face nicely. It gives her a contemporary look, makes her look neat and professional. What it makes her look is like the sister in those Popeye's commercials. Webvan turns her eyes to me Now. If only your fried chicken was a good as Popeye's, she adds an evil grin rising on her face. Latasha and I gasp in unison. You did not just insult her fried chicken. Them's fighting words, Latasha says with a laugh. Damn right they are. I looking Wave on. Don't make me take my earrings off. Simmer down ****, yet I'm just messing with you. We all know you serve the best fried chicken in town. She shifts her eyes till Natasha's reflection in the mirror. You gotta play to the old girls ego Sometimes, she says. She ain't got no man, so her fried chicken is all she has. Oh, girl. First you insult my chicken and then you call me old. Keep it up, wave on, and I'll conspire with Latasha to leave that relaxing on your hair until it falls out. Calm down, ladies. There will be no hair falling out in my salon. It's bad for business, Latasha says. And I certainly don't want any mishaps with Miss Monique to pre do here in two days, Monique Dupri wave on, exclaims is coming here? Yep, get out. Who's Monique Dupri? I inquire. Webvan ignores my question. Why's Monique Dupri coming here? She's kicking off a cross country tour at the unique Sheikh Hair Convention in the city this weekend. From there, she'll be traveling all over the United States during promotional events and visiting salons. We sell a lot of her products, so Illusions made the cut As one of the few stores that she plans to visit before she leaves the D C area. She'll be here on Friday for a meeting. Greet My clients are really excited. She's originally from this area, you know. She moved to New York back in the nineties and hit the big time. She only recently took up residence here in Maryland again. Supposedly, she had some Grand House custom built in Mitchellville, Mitchellville, Swanky, Wavin says, I'll have to stop by on Friday, and I should get tickets to the convention. They'll probably have some good samples and giveaways. Lately, I've been trying this new stuff growing. Restore cream. It has Jamaican black castor oil. In it, Jamaican black castor oil. LaTasha inquires. Yes, it's the latest thing. The package said. It stimulates growth and helps repair dry, damaged hair and breakages. I've only been using it for five days. I hope it kicks saying soon.