ACTRA Strike, An Inconvenient Truth, VO Jobs of 2006, sound like you think, Joe Cipriano teaches podcasting, and Julie Williams in the VOX Box.
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ACTRA Strike, Al Gore, Joe Cipriano, Julie Williams
Transcript of Vox Talk #3
Male: Episode 3
Stephanie Ciccarelli: Welcome to VOX Talk brought to you by My name is Stephanie Ciccarelli, co-founder of and your host for today’s show. VOX Talk is about you. It’s a podcast that helps you grow in your voiceover career.
Each episode will begin with news and current voiceover events in a segment we like to call The Loop. Then we’ll explore business development and hot trends that will set you apart as a professional voice actor. Next on the list is Tech Talk, a segment where our team will review products and guide you through the technological landscape. Lastly, we’ll answer your questions and play audio feedback in a segment called VOX Box.
Now that we’re ready to go, let’s move on to our first segment.
Male: The Loop, informing you of news and current voiceover events.
Stephanie Ciccarelli: ACTRA, the Alliance of Canadian Cinema Television and Radio Artists went on strike today, January 8th, 2007 over low wages and new media distribution of actor performances.
According to the Canadian Broadcast Corporation, ACTRA may get into hot water over their “wild cat” strike, even be brought into court. Actors who are in production affected by the strike were told not to go to work, audition or record ADR for any IPA production that has not signed a letter of continuation with the union.
Provinces affected by the ACTRA strike include Ontario, Manitoba and Saskatchewan. ACTRA will strike in Quebec on Wednesday January the 10th, 2007 with other Canadian provinces to follow. Keep tuned to the website for more details.
In other news, Al Gore may not have won the presidency but he has won the hearts and minds of countless people around the world with his documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, a production which he also narrated. The documentary has a simple message. Humanity needs to change its fossil fuel consumption habits to turn back the global warming clock and there is only 10 years to do it before we reach the point of no return. To learn more about An Inconvenient Truth, go to
Our last story is about your favorite voiceover jobs of 2006. Several voice talent took the opportunity to share what their favorite jobs were of the past year, detailing their roles in animation, telephony, narration projects, commercials and more. If you’d like to join in the conversation, go to the VOX Daily Blog at
If you have any news or a voiceover related item that you would like to submit, send it to [email protected].
Male: The Biz, helping you grow your voiceover business.
Stephanie Ciccarelli: This week in The Biz, you’ll find out just how easy it is to make your voice sound as compelling as possible. If you can imagine it, you can voice it convincingly.
John Tesh mentioned on his radio show last week that people who only imagined laughing experience the same level of happiness released by endorphins as people who actually laughed out loud. What that means for voice actors is that if you can summon a memory of a particular event or imagine yourself experiencing a feeling, it will trigger a reaction just as real as if it were happening to you. We could refer to this as “method acting”.
Method actors draw upon life experiences and personal memories to perform their roles. Imagining something happy could make your voice happier-sounding. A poignant memory could make your voice sound full of melancholy. Imagining that you’ve just stubbed your toe could also make you feel pain. Why don’t you give it a try? Let us know if this theory worked for you by leaving a comment on the VOX Talk Blog at or by sending in some audio feedback to [email protected].
Male: Tech Talk, walking you through the technological landscape.
Stephanie Ciccarelli: This week in Tech Talk, we’ll talk about podcasting. If you’ve been hanging around the Apple site, you probably realized that Joe Cipriano is now their podcasting poster boy. Well, many who get to know Joe through Apple may see him as a podcasting pro.
The voiceover industry knows Joe as one of the world’s most in demand voiceover talents. Joe was heard on television sets in households everywhere with his recognizable style doing promos for Fox, NBC, and CBS among other stations. Joe recently helped to produce an Apple podcast recipe tutorial, a tutorial that teaches people how to podcast using Apple’s GarageBand recording software.
Recently, member and podcaster, Donna Papacosta interviewed Joe on her podcast, To listen to Donna’s interview with Joe, click on the links for episode three of VOX Talk.
Male: VOX Box, answering your voiceover questions.
Stephanie Ciccarelli: Welcome to VOX Box. Our first comment has been sent it by professional voice talent, Julie Williams complete with some tips for you.
Julie Williams: Hi Stephanie. It’s Julie Williams. I use mostly to get voiceover work and it has worked very well for me. I recently renewed for my third year but I do some casting as well and a couple of week ago, I used to hire a talent. And I just wanted to pass along a simple tip to talent based on my experience as a voice seeker on this website.
One very simple thing that applies to whether you’re submitting on or sending an audition to your agent is how you name your file. I can’t tell you how many files I downloaded that were called something like “military audition” or “Fort Sam audition”. Yes, that’s who the client is and I’m sure it made sense on your computer but when I downloaded the file, 20 files titled with my client’s name doesn’t tell me anything about who you are. So be sure to think from the recipient’s point of view when you’re naming your files.
What I typically do because I’ve been on both sides is I would name it “Julie Williams Fort Sam audition”. That’s probably the most helpful to the recipient because he or she maybe casting more than one job. This way, they know who you are and they know what job it is that you’re auditioning for.
Stephanie Ciccarelli: Thank you Julie for sending in that fantastic clip. If you have something that you would like to share, perhaps a tip, a comment or a suggestion, send in your MP3 file to be included in the VOX Box by e-mailing [email protected].
Thank you for joining us today. Log on to for more information about how our service works and how we can serve you. Bye for now.
Nice podcast! Stephanie, what a beautiful voice you have. 😉
I liked the tip from Julie Williams.
Finally, thanks for mentioning my interview with Joe Cipriano!