Sound On:
The Power of Audio
When Building a Brand

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In today’s multimedia world, advertisers are constantly seeking new ways to capture attention. While flashy visuals and witty slogans certainly have their place, there’s a powerful marketing tool that often gets overlooked: audio. The audio elements of ads and social media content can be a game changer for creating content that is relatable, memorable, and actually stands out, but creators and advertisers might still not be fully aware of how impactful a medium audio can really be.

In this report we explore how audio impacts viewers’ perception of ads, their perception of branded social media content, and how social media users interact with audio on online platforms. We surveyed over 1,000 Americans to get a sense of what grabs their attention and what kinds of content stands out to them.

Our findings highlight how a successful audio strategy requires both creativity and adaptation, all underscored by an authentic representation of your brand.

At a Glance

  1. Cut Through the Noise: Audio Makes Ads More Memorable
  2. Not All Platforms Are Created Equal
  3. Social Media Trends Are Your Friend, but Use Them Wisely

Cut Through the Noise: Audio Makes Ads More Memorable

Today’s advertising landscape is crowded and cutting through the noise can often feel like an impossible feat. But finding a way to strategically use audio could be the secret weapon to boosting your brand awareness.

Our survey of over 1000 Americans found that ads with audio are significantly more engaging (67%) and more memorable (73%) compared to ads without. This highlights a key advantage of audio advertising–especially when combined with video, audio acts as another channel to creatively drive your messaging home. When it comes to building strong brand recognition, repetition will be an indispensable tool, one that audio can greatly assist with. Across different video ads, campaigns, and platforms, having a signature sound or slogan will build brand awareness and create a uniform and memorable brand experience.

When asked to recall audio elements from ads they could remember, 84% of respondents said they feel they can easily associate the audio from the ads with the brand itself. Those iconic slogans and catchy jingles do work. Ever had trouble getting a song out of your head? Unlike visually-focused promotional materials that easily fade from memory, distinctive and catchy sounds can leave a lasting effect. This translates to powerful brand recall–consumers can be reminded of the brand and its product simply by hearing a particular sound. 

A great example of signature sounds in action can be found in the Star Wars franchise. The iconic hum of a lightsaber is instantly recognizable, even without any visual cues. The lightsaber hum has become so synonymous with the Star Wars franchise that anyone that hears it, and knows about Star Wars, will be prompted to think Star Wars, even though that specific sound wasn’t intended to be used as an advertising tactic. No explicit message or call to action is needed–the sound alone is enough to remind listeners of a galaxy far, far away.

Ear-Resistible Jingles

Just under 70% of respondents said they consider audio to be a key element of a brand’s identity. 

What are some memorable jingles or audio logos out there today? We asked survey respondents to share any that stick out in their mind. Notable sounds or jingles that stuck out to many include State Farm’s slogan “like a good neighbor, State Farm is there”, Netflix’s “tadum”, McDonalds’ classic “I’m loving it”, Burger King’s “You Rule”, and the Microsoft’s Windows startup sound. Do any of these jingles from the early 2000s ring a bell?

Takeaway: Silence is Golden, but Branding Isn’t

Don’t underestimate the power of sound! Forget the notion of branding as solely visual, and consider how crafting a unique and memorable audio experience will work for your brand. Think beyond logos and slogans; the sounds your audience hears at all touchpoints, from advertising to customer service interactions, contribute to that cohesive brand identity. By leveraging the power of sound, you can create a memorable and impactful brand identity that fosters recognition and loyalty with your audience.

Not All Platforms Are Created Equal

Making sound work for you requires understanding platform-specific user behavior. We asked respondents which social platforms they used with the sound on most, and which social platforms they found had the most engaging ads. YouTube came out on top for both– 77% of YouTube users said they have the sound on either most or all of the time when using the platform, and 40% of respondents overall said ads on YouTube were most engaging compared to ads on other social platforms. Respondents also found ads on YouTube Shorts (29%) and on TikTok (23%) very engaging.


When it comes to social media, each platform uses sound differently, but as more platforms adopt TikTok-esque features, silent scrolling could soon be a thing of the past. Unsurprisingly, video-dominant platforms like YouTube and Tiktok are most likely to be used with the sound on: 77% of YouTube users and 62% of TikTok users say that sound is on all or most of the time when using that platform. The chances of sound being on are lower when people use Facebook or Instagram: less than half of Instagram (47%) and Facebook (45%) users say they use the app with the sound on most or all of the time. In contrast,  LinkedIn and Reddit are dominated by quiet consumption: 71% of LinkedIn users and 59% of Reddit users rarely or never turn on the sound while using these platforms.

Takeaway: Customize Your Content

Tailor your content to each platform! Prioritize strong and engaging audio for video content on YouTube and TikTok where viewers frequently consume content with sound. For platforms like LinkedIn and Reddit, where users are less likely to turn the sound on, make sure to have visually interesting elements to capture attention and add subtitles to videos so your message still comes across.

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Good Audio Will Make Your Socials More Engaging

Social media has become a playground for brands to test new content and marketing tactics. Having a social presence is no longer optional; a strong social media is now a mandatory piece of any brand’s marketing mix. While the standard product or announcement post is usually what social platforms are used for, some brands have risen to social media fame for a different reason: they’ve mastered the art of witty social media humor. Many brands strive to become the next Duolingo, Ryannair, or Wendys, but would it work for everyone?

Just under a third (32%) of respondents said they enjoy seeing brands hop on social media trends, as long as the content is still true to the brand. For platforms like TikTok and Instagram, trending audios play a huge role in shaping and participating in those trends, and brands who use these audio memes well stand out. It’s worked well for many brands, but with a key caveat: the style and content need to remain authentic to the brand. Consumers can spot a forced attempt a mile away, and while creating trending videos might get you views, it might not be very helpful in getting your message across. 

Social media trends are your friend — as long as they feel authentic to your brand.


But, trending audios do work for increasing visibility! 27% of respondents say branded content that uses trending or shareable audio is more engaging than content that doesn’t use trending or shareable audio. Social media trends can open the door to getting your brand account noticed. By incorporating popular sounds or viral audio challenges, brands can tap into a pre-existing audience interest, grabbing attention and increasing the likelihood of that piece being shared.  

Believe it or not, the audio on video content impacts how shareable content is. Over half (57%) of respondents have shared or reposted videos specifically because of the audio. What makes audio so effective in driving sharable content? When asked why viewers share the content they do, respondents said because the audio is entertaining, and therefore made the video entertaining (32%), the audio contained music they really enjoyed (25%), or they simply liked the audio clip itself (23%).


Takeaway: Don’t Be Afraid To Be Play Around

An effective social media content strategy will be a balancing act of incorporating brand messaging, creativity, freedom and flexibility to tap into relevant trends while staying true to your brand. We’ve said it many times before and we’ll say it again: the best social content will be one that’s authentic to your brand. But effectively using audios on platforms that do well with short videos can be a great way to reel in your audience and get your name out there. At the end of the day, brands and creators shouldn’t feel pressured to stay up-to-date with fast moving trends for the sake of staying on trend; but when it does work for your brand, fun and trending audio in social content could grab people’s attention.


The survey was conducted by Pollfish, a survey provider known for its demographically representative audience and reliable data collection methods, for Voices from May 13, 2024 to May 15, 2024, among a representative sample of 1,000 Americans aged 18 or older. The survey’s margin of error is plus or minus 3 percentage points. The survey sought to understand patterns in engaging with audio in content across social media platforms and attitudes towards audio in advertisements.

About Voices

Voices is the world’s #1 voice marketplace with over 4 million registered users. Since 2005, the biggest and most beloved brands have entrusted Voices to help them find professionals to bring their projects to life. Voices has worked with major clients including Shopify, Microsoft, The History Channel, The Discovery Channel, Hulu, Cisco, the biggest ad agencies and thousands more small businesses.