
What is a Branded Voice?

Keaton Robbins | July 29, 2024

An animated image of a woman's face popping out above blurred out blue icons around her.

Imagine you walk into a crowded party. Everyone’s vying for your attention, but one voice just cuts through the noise. 

In this article

  1. What is a Branded Voice?
  2. Why Does Finding the Right Voice Matter?
  3. Finding Your Perfect Pitch

It’s engaging, memorable, and leaves you wanting to know more. 

That’s the power of a branded voice

It’s not just about what you say but how you say it. 

In today’s competitive landscape, a strong branded voice can be the difference between getting lost in the crowd and making a lasting impression.

What is a Branded Voice?

Think of your brand as a person. 

It has a personality, values, and a way of communicating. 

Your branded voice is the auditory embodiment of that persona. 

The tone, style, and even the accent come through in your podcasts, radio ads, explainer videos, and other spoken marketing elements.

Here’s a deeper dive into what makes up a branded voice:

  • The Soul of Your Brand: Think of your brand’s core values and mission statement. Is your brand all about fun and adventure? Or does it prioritize reliability and expertise? Your branded voice should reflect these core aspects. A brand focused on sustainability might use a voice that’s passionate about environmental issues and uses clear and informative language.
  • Talking to Your Audience: Your branded voice isn’t about you speaking in a vacuum. It’s about creating a conversation with your target audience. Consider their demographics, interests, and even the way they communicate. A brand targeting young professionals might adopt a more informal and friendly tone, while a brand selling financial planning services might choose a reassuring and authoritative voice.
  • The Power of Tone: This is the emotional fingerprint of your voice. Do you want to sound playful and energetic? Trustworthy and informative? The tone you choose sets the mood for your message. A brand selling children’s toys might use a bright and cheerful voice, while a brand promoting self-care products might choose a calming and soothing voice.
  • The Style of Speech: This goes beyond formal versus informal. It’s about the specific way your brand uses language. Does it rely on humor and storytelling? Does it use technical jargon or everyday language? A brand selling tech gadgets might use a voice that’s full of technical terms and speaks directly to the product’s features. On the other hand, a brand selling handmade crafts might choose a voice that’s poetic and descriptive, highlighting the emotional connection with the product.
  • The Power of Accents (For Some): While only some brands will benefit from this, a regional accent can be a powerful tool. It can add a layer of authenticity and connect with a local audience on a deeper level. For example, a coffee shop in a small coastal town might use a voice with a slight Southern drawl, reflecting the laid-back charm of the location.

Considering all these elements, you can craft a branded voice that’s more than just words. It’s the soundtrack to your brand personality, a way to connect with your audience on a deeper level and leave a lasting impression. 

The voice will make people say, “Oh, that’s definitely [Brand Name]!”

Why Does Finding the Right Voice Matter?

Here’s why a consistent, well-chosen branded voice is crucial for your audio marketing success:

  • Memorable Impressions: Our brains are wired to connect with voices. A unique and engaging voice makes your brand instantly recognizable. Think of the iconic MGM lion’s roar or the dulcet tones of Morgan Freeman in countless documentaries.
  • Emotional Connection: The right voice can evoke specific emotions in listeners. A warm, friendly voice builds trust, while a more energetic tone can create excitement.
  • Brand Clarity: Your voice reinforces your brand identity. Imagine a high-end jewelry store using a casual, slang-filled voice in their ads. It wouldn’t resonate, right? A branded voice ensures your message aligns with your overall brand image.
  • Audience Targeting: Like visuals, vocal styles can resonate more with certain demographics. A youthful and playful voice might connect better with a younger audience, while a more authoritative tone could be ideal for B2B marketing.

Finding Your Perfect Pitch

So, how do you land on the best voice for your brand?

Here are some tips:

  • Know Your Brand: Start by defining your brand personality. Are you playful or sophisticated? Edgy or comforting? Once you understand your core values, you can translate them into vocal qualities and attributes.
  • Consider Your Audience: Who are you trying to reach? Tailor your voice to resonate with their preferences and expectations.
  • Listen to Examples: Pay attention to successful audio marketing campaigns in your industry. What kind of voices do they use? How do they make you feel?
  • Test and Refine: Don’t be afraid to experiment with different voices. Conduct A/B testing to see which one resonates best with your audience.

By investing in finding the right branded voice, you’ll be well on your way to creating a solid and memorable presence in audio marketing. 

After all, a voice can cut through the noise in an age saturated with messages.

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