
Who are the Voice Actors in ‘Spellbound’?

Keaton Robbins | June 13, 2024

An animated image from the movie Spellbound shows two monsters jumping beside a girl.

The highly anticipated animated film ‘Spellbound’ boasts not only stunning visuals and enchanting music, but also a stellar voice cast that will leave you spellbound (pun intended!).

Let’s dive into the voice actors in the new animated movie ‘Spellbound’.

In this article

  1. Leading the Charge: Rising Star and Hollywood Royalty
  2. A Chorus of Award-Winning Voices
  3. A Recipe for Vocal Magic
  4. Beyond the A-List: World-Building Through Voice

Leading the Charge: Rising Star and Hollywood Royalty

At the center of the story is Princess Elian, voiced by the rising star Rachel Zegler.

After her breakout role in ‘West Side Story (2021)’, Zegler brings her youthful energy and captivating voice to this brave and determined princess.

Lending their regal voices to Elian’s parents are Hollywood icons Nicole Kidman and Javier Bardem. Kidman takes on the role of Queen Elsmere, while Bardem portrays King Solon.

Their combined talent and experience add gravitas and depth to the royal couple.

A Chorus of Award-Winning Voices

Rounding out the cast is an impressive ensemble of seasoned actors known for their comedic timing and vocal prowess.

Tituss Burgess, the scene-stealing voice of Titus Andromedon in ‘Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt’, brings his signature humor to an as-yet-unannounced character.

Joining him are the legendary John Lithgow, whose iconic voice has graced countless films and television shows, and the ever-fabulous Jenifer Lewis, a Disney animation veteran known for her roles in ‘The Princess and the Frog’ and ‘Moana’.

Finally, the incomparable Nathan Lane adds his signature wit and charm to the cast.

A Recipe for Vocal Magic

With this all-star cast, ‘Spellbound’ promises a truly magical experience. The combination of rising stars and seasoned veterans ensures a range of vocal talents that will bring the characters and the story to life captivatingly.

Whether you’re a fan of animation and musicals or love a good adventure, Spellbound’s voice cast will surely add another layer of enjoyment to this highly anticipated film.

Beyond the A-List: World-Building Through Voice

But Spellbound’s magic extends beyond the star power.

The casting directors have meticulously chosen actors to fill out the supporting roles, ensuring each character, big or small, feels distinct and believable.

This attention to detail is essential for building a rich and immersive world. Each actor’s unique vocal qualities will contribute to Spellbound’s overall soundscape, transporting viewers to a place that feels both fantastical and familiar.

Are you excited to hear these talented actors bring Spellbound to life?

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