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Voice Acting
How To Become A Voice Actor Fresh Out of High School

Discover how you can make voice over your first career fresh out of school.

Vocal Health
Do More Voice Actors Drink Tea or Coffee?

Do you go for a pot of Joe or are you more inclined to sip on a cup of tea? Find out what your colleagues are drinking and which is healthier.

lawyer and client looking at each other while discussing papers
Voice Acting
Voice Acting’s Toughest Legal Questions Answered...

Is it OK to use copyrighted material? What could happen if you use a script from an audition that you didn’t win? We answer these questions.

International Dialects of English Archive

Check out IDEA, which stands for International Dialects of English Archive, featuring audio samples of dialects for theatre and film artists.

Voice Acting
A Perfect Cup of Tea Among Other Things

As voice professionals, I can confidently say that each one of you has your own favorite tea or beverage of choice.

What American Accent Do You Have? | Blog - Where clients and voice actors can find valuable information on pre-production, technology, animation, video and audio production, home recording studios, business growth, voice acting and auditions, celebrity voice actors, voiceover industry news and more!
Voice Acting
What American Accent Do You Have?

What American accent do you have? Take this quiz today to identify which American regional accent you have.

Voice Acting
Making Non-union Jobs Union Jobs

Pat Fraley says that it can be done! To find out how you can turn a non-union job into a union job, read this post.

Vocal Health
Oral Hygiene

Cleaning the Instrument: Guest Blogger David Houston shares his experiences as a voice actor with pointers on oral hygiene.

Showing 1081-1088 of 1088 Articles