Search results for voices

A close up of a fan-made R2D2 robot
Voice Acting
Life as an Astromech: How a Film Fan is Giving Back...

You never know how your passion projects and life’s ambitions will intersect. How a fan built an R2D2 to spec and is using it to give back.

Four brightly colored crumpled pieces of paper sit on the ground while a bright yellow one is elevated and looks lit up light a lightbulb
Voice Acting
Elements of a Good Creative Brief

When done well, a detailed creative brief can be a time and sanity saver for both client and supplier. Here's how to create a great one.

Mark Vogelsang and Stephanie Ciccarelli share a laugh
Voice Acting
Sound Considerations for Creating Award and...

Do you dream of having your film project recognized for festival showings and awards? Read these sound design tips for winning submissions.

A person's hands are visible as they hold a book open while many others lay around their feet, on the floor.
Voice Acting
11 Great Leadership Books to Help You Level Up Your...

When it comes to advancing your career, leadership skills are essential. These 11 top picks are books that will help you move forward.

Stephanie Ciccarelli and Keith Tomasek talk and laugh
3 Secrets to Authentic Brand Storytelling

Many businesses struggle to connect with their audience. Media Strategist and Producer Keith Tomasek shares 3 keys to effective storytelling.

A man stands up and presents to his coworkers, who sit at a table around him
Voice Acting
5 Important Considerations for Professionals Who Want...

Speaking to be heard is an essential skill for professional success. Vocal Coach Jocelyn Rasmussen shares how to develop your voice.

A person sits with a coffee in one hand and an open book in their lap
Voice Acting
6 Business Audiobooks to Help You Develop and Execute...

No time for an MBA? If you want to spark great ideas and develop winning strategy these 6 books may be just what you need!

2017 Trends Report cover page
Voice Acting
The 2017 Trends Report is Here

The current advertising landscape and North American media landscape is rapidly changing. Curious as to new and emerging trends? Read more here.

The Shared Responses Feature has been updated
Introducing the Updated Shared Responses Feature for...

Shortlisting and sharing auditions for your posted jobs just got easier, with the updated Shared Response Feature for Businesses.

Digital network
What is an Audio Ad Network?

Read more about audio ad networks, how they work, and how you can take advantage, including examples of targeted ad providers.

New Favorites feature for clients at
Favoriting Voice Actors Just Got Better

Ever wanted to save a demo to a list instead of favoriting an actor's profile? Make your online casting experience even better with this.

New Favorites on Demos | Blog
Why Do Clients Like Your Voice? New Favorites Will...

Why did that creative producer like your voice? Now that demos can be saved to a client's favorites at Voices, you'll have a better idea.

Showing 865-876 of 960 Articles