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Casa Loma in Toronto, Ontario Canada - a famous film location
Voice Acting
Tax Credit and Funding Programs for Filmmakers...

Funding and staying on budget - may be the biggest hurdle your film project faces. Learn about funding and credits for Canadian productions.

Woman at a computer studying
Voice Acting
Technical Sample Scripts

Looking for technical voice over scripts to get your medical and science jargon down? These sample scripts will get you there!

A photo showing stamps from different cities and countries on a piece of paper.
Knowing When to Incorporate Accents into Advertising

The results from these studies about accents in advertising will help you decide when to use accents.

Hiring Authentic Foreign Accents
Voice Acting
Hiring Authentic Foreign Accents You Can Trust

Hiring authentic foreign accents is key in setting up your project for success in terms of reaching an international audience.

a woman's hand holding a TV remote towards the TV with a national geographic style show playing on the TV, signifying the different accents and languages found in american media and marketing
Voice Acting
Most Attractive Accents to American Companies

How the most popular accents in America - Spanish, Australian, and British - are used in advertising to get across your message.

A map of the UK with soundwaves showing in the background
Voice Acting
All About UK Accents

Learn about UK accents (and why a British accent isn't a thing!) with these UK accent descriptions and examples. Listen to these accents.

An illustration depicts the close-up shot of two women's faces. One woman has a look of surprise while the other whispers something into her ear.
Voice Acting
Take the UK Colloquialism Quiz

Think you can guess the meaning of these UK sayings? Listen to voice over of real British slang and UK colloquialisms and take the quiz now!

A woman sits with her phone in one hand and headphones in her ears. She appears to be listening intently.
Audio Content Strategy: 5 Examples of Audio Blogs

Your audio content strategy needs to include audio on your blog. Get inspiration on how 5 leading publications have built their audio blog.

A group of four young adults gather together to listen to and watch what is on their friend's cellphone. They're all laughing and looking like they're having a good time.
Rise of the Audio Blog

Why enhance a blog with audio? We'll show you five reasons why creating an audio blog will serve your brand and your audience. Read more.

Creative Trends: Two men and a woman sit at a boardroom table discussing trends
Voice Acting
6 Top Trend Reports for Creatives

Discover new effective and budget-friendly creative strategies with these 5 top trend reports for creative professionals.

A lead actor being filmed by a crew on an outdoor set.
Voice Acting
Movie Trailer Voice Over Sample Scripts: Male Lead

This sample movie trailer voice over script is great for you to practice a voice for a male lead in a full-length movie spot.

Female lead actor in front of a camera on an outdoor film set.
Voice Acting
Movie Trailer Voice Over Sample Scripts: Female Lead

This sample movie trailer voice over script is great for you to practice a voice for a female lead in a full-length movie spot.

Showing 265-276 of 357 Articles