Click, Learn, Repeat: Exploring eLearning Trends and Preferences

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The popularity of eLearning has changed substantially over the last few years, with technology making education and knowledge sharing more accessible than ever. As of 2022, the global eLearning market size was valued at USD 399.3 billion with an anticipated growth rate of 14% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) between 2023 and 2032. Whether it’s for a mandatory certification, professional upskilling, or exploring personal interests, digital learning has empowered individuals to pursue knowledge and skills at their own pace, tailor their learning experiences to specific needs, and access diverse educational resources from anywhere in the world.

Traditionally, eLearning has been associated with video lectures and modules, often used for continuing education. However, the way eLearning takes place today has evolved significantly. In this report, when we refer to eLearning, we’re referring to the use of digital technology to access educational resources and instruction outside of the traditional classroom setting. Think video modules, online courses, webinars, educational video games, in-app learning (like Duolingo), augmented/virtual reality or even educational content found on social media. 

This report will dive into the finer details of how learners prefer to absorb information through eLearning content. We surveyed hundreds of American eLearners to understand how eLearning fits into their life–their goals, preferred formats, investment level, to name a few–and to gain an understanding of how learners like to absorb information.

At a Glance

  • 1

    Hooked on Learning: Nearly 70% of eLearners Make eLearning a Weekly Habit

  • 2

    Video Holds a Lot of Power, so Use It!

  • 3

    Don’t Forget the Sound! Audio Is a Game Changer in the eLearning Space

Person with laptop

Hooked on Learning: Nearly 70% of eLearners Make eLearning a Weekly Habit

The digital world has revolutionized our approach to education and knowledge sharing, letting people discover new interests and ideas, and making learning more accessible and convenient. From self-development to mandatory workplace training to learning a new instrument, you can sign up for a course, and learn from the convenience of your own home! 

With self-directed and self-paced eLearning being able to conform to the flow of different people’s lives, it has become an integral part of learners’ everyday activities. We asked individuals who had participated in eLearning in the past two years to share insights into how eLearning fit into their daily lives. Nearly 70% of learners said they pursued their learning goals on a daily or weekly basis: 26% engage daily, while 43% participate weekly. 31% pursue their learning goals either monthly or yearly.

Daily learning
Daily learning

Why Do People Learn?

Career development and personal interests are the primary drivers for participating in eLearning. 60% of learners participate in eLearning for upskilling and professional development, while a similar proportion (58%) engage in it to develop personal interests and hobbies. Learners also pursue eLearning for academic purposes (45%), learning new technologies or software (34%), meeting mandatory job requirements or training (33%), and learning new languages (25%).

eLearning Reasons
eLearning Reasons

How Much Do Learners Invest?

In a fast-paced world of digital learning, time and engagement are key. Our survey found that learners favor shorter, more focused eLearning sessions. Just under one-third (30%) of learners prefer eLearning sessions up to 30 minutes long before needing a break, and one-third (33%) of learners prefer sessions to be up to 45 minutes long before needing a break. Keeping eLearning sessions concise and bite-sized allows learners to absorb information efficiently without feeling overwhelmed, and makes it easier to fit learning into busy schedules.

eLearning Sessions
eLearning Sessions

Learners are committed with their time and energy, but what about financially? When it comes to eLearning, investment levels vary widely among learners. While just over a quarter (26%) of learners only take advantage of free courses, others are willing to invest more in their education. When asked about investment into eLearning over the past two years, 22% of learners said they’ve spent up to $500 on eLearning, another 22% have invested up to $999, and 30% have committed $1,000 or more.

eLearning Sessions
eLearning Sessions


To meet the diverse needs of today’s learners, eLearning creators should consider offering a range of course options that cater to varying levels of financial investment and learning habits. Premium content that provides in-depth knowledge or certification can appeal to those ready to commit significant resources to their education, especially those who have access to professional development stipends through their employer. Offering high-quality, but low-cost or free introductory content can attract and build trust with learners who might not yet have the time, funds, or readiness to commit to their learning goals.

Video Presentation

Video Holds a Lot of Power, so Use It!

We wanted to find out which styles and formats learners prefer when engaging with course content. Unsurprisingly, video modules and lectures dominated as the preferred eLearning format, with the different video styles catering to different learning preferences. The ability to pause, rewind, and rewatch videos gives viewers the flexibility to absorb content at their own pace, further tailoring the learning experience to their respective needs.

We asked learners to share their preferences on the different kinds of video lecture formats, and found that all were fairly equally preferable among learners:

  • 53% said they enjoy video lectures in slide presentation format (a slide deck being navigated with voice over)
  • 50% said they enjoy video lectures in talking head format (instructor speaking in front of a camera on the topic)
  • 49% said they enjoy video lectures with an interactive component. This could include modules that periodically prompt the learner to respond to a question before moving onto more content, for example.

Other popular eLearning formats include interactive modules such as quizzes or games (35%), learning through apps on a smartphone (33%) , and online reading such as discussion forums (27%).

Formats of eLearning
Formats of eLearning

Platforms Learners Love

If video leads as the most preferred format, and a portion of learners enjoy free eLearning materials, it makes sense that YouTube comes out on top as one of the most popular eLearning platforms for self-directed eLearning, with 57% of respondents saying they learn from YouTube. This widespread use reflects YouTube’s ability to cater to diverse learning needs and preferences. As a free eLearning platform, YouTube’s ease of access and wide coverage of topics make it easy for anyone to learn about what they want, no matter the niche.

LinkedIn Learning follows in second (39%), followed by Coursera (38%), and Udemy (35%), Khan Academy (29%).

platform chart
platform chart

Game On: Learn by Playing with Interactive eLearning

Thanks to advancements in technology, interactive eLearning is on the rise. 22% of learners said they have participated in interactive eLearning content over the past two years, though this number could be higher. Some people might not even realize that activities like a VR simulation in a museum or maintaining a Duolingo streak are actually forms of eLearning.

Gamified and game-based learning have been around since digital technology entered the classroom. Those who were in elementary school in the late 1990s and early 2000s might remember classes in the computer lab, playing programs like Math Circus, Reader Rabbit, and others. A recently published paper by Najran University found positive effects of game-based learning, finding that game-based learning in early childhood showed signs of enhanced engagement, improved social skills, such as communication and cooperation, and improved emotional development among children.

No matter what age the learner is, game-based learning can help increase the learner’s motivation, knowledge retention, and application of that knowledge. Our survey found that interactive eLearning is more likely to be favored by learners between the ages of 18-29–40% of that age demographic said interactive eLearning is one of their preferred formats, compared to 27% of those between the ages of 45-60.

game on
game on


Whether it’s in a formal eLearning course or in bite-sized minute long videos, learners are binge-watching their way to knowledge and really loving the video format. For eLearning content creators, consider leveraging social media to promote your content! Think of platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok not just as entertainment hubs but as classrooms with thousands of seats. With the right strategy, using social media right can greatly increase your reach and authority.

Video Presentation

Voices That Engage: Audio Is a Game Changer in the eLearning Space

If video is the preferred learning format, audio quality will play a key role in that learning experience. Without the audio element in eLearning media, reading text on a screen will often fall flat, lacking the engagement and excitement needed to keep learners motivated. But when visual elements are paired well with audio, they create a dynamic and engaging learning environment.

Audio narration has become a key element in enhancing the learner’s experience. 83% of learners report that they prefer courses with audio narration paired with visual content. Learners also enjoy a multi-sensory format for learning: 52% of learners say they retain information most effectively when they can watch visual content, listen to audio narration, and read captions simultaneously.

Video Presentation
Video Presentation

When it comes to the voice behind the narration, consistency is key. 80% of learners said they preferred one consistent narrator throughout their eLearning courses, even when consuming large volumes of eLearning content. This consistency helps establish a familiar rhythm and tone, allowing them to focus more on the material rather than adjusting to different voices. However, 20% of learners said that even when consuming large volumes of eLearning content, they prefer a variety of narrators, finding that different narrators help in breaking up the content and preventing monotony.

Video Presentation
Video Presentation

Interestingly, 65% of respondents said they can’t distinguish between AI-generated narration and a narration done by a natural voice. This suggests that AI narration is improving and becoming increasingly human-like, offering a viable option for eLearning content creators looking to maintain quality while potentially reducing costs. As AI voice technology continues to improve, we can expect the line between human and AI narration to blur even further, creating even more flexibility in creating eLearning content.

Video Presentation

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Proper audio and narration will help maximize learner engagement and retention. Particularly with video lectures, prioritize clear, consistent audio narration to create a cohesive learning experience, especially in longer courses. Don’t underestimate the power of a single, steady voice to keep learners focused, while also considering the strategic use of multiple voices for variety when appropriate. As AI narration advances, AI voices could develop into a cost-effective option without compromising quality.


The survey was conducted by Momentive for Voices from August 13, 2024 to August 14, 2024, among a representative sample of 502 Americans aged 18 or older who had actively participated in eLearning in the last 24 months. The survey’s margin of error is plus or minus 4 percentage points. Responses have been weighted to reflect distribution in US Census data for age and gender. The survey looked at habits and preferences among Americans who have recently participated in eLearning.

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